April 2024: Cockroaches, Coral Tanks, and Inclusivity Efforts

This month, the effectiveness of school inclusivity events, Mr. Olsen's cockroach, new coral tank for the aqualab, and more.

April 2024: Cockroaches, Coral Tanks, and Inclusivity Efforts
Illustration and photography by Kaiden Chandler. Additional imagery via The Ribbon Source.

Welcome to The Current, the independent student newspaper of MSMHS. This month, student thoughts on the effectiveness of school inclusivity events, math teacher Mr. Olsen's cockroach, a new coral tank, and more.

News & Happenings

Students: Inclusivity Events Don't Solve Everything, But They're a Start

Over the last two years, MSMHS has made a major inclusivity through in-school activities and events. Has it worked?

The Aqualab's Newest Tank Makes Room for Big Corals

The newest part of the aquaculture lab's coral propagation system is designed for bigger corals than ever before.

Math Teacher's New Pet Cockroach Takes Up Residence at MSMHS

Mr. Olsen's inspiration for acquiring his own cockroach was his mom, an elementary school teacher with a cockroach class pet.

Marine Science Student Shows Off History Skills: Will Frick and Julian Vigil-Childs, both MSMHS freshman, took part in the 2024 Connecticut History Bee and Bowl State Championships. Will has been participating in history competitions since eighth grade. He took a few weeks practicing before actually attending the competition, and prepared to compete by doing quiz questions with his mom. He also says he would be happy to give advice and other help to people who want to participate. This April, Will and is competing in the national competition!

Reported by Emma Liu.


School Discussions Can Be Dry. Here's How to Make Them Better.

Opinion columnist Jacob Zelinsky on using the tricks of ancient philosophers to make class more interesting.


The Brain Baffler

Decode the visual clues to unlock the secret phrase. Feeling stuck? Check out the hint (and answer) below.

The word "fast," split in half.
Hint: Eggs and toast. Scroll to view answer.

Hear it first from The Current.

Breaking news on lockdowns, vape detectors, and more before anyone else.

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Answer: Breakfast.
See you next week!