Atlantis Creative Corner: April 2023

A showcase of art and writing from MSMHS students.

By Ezran Williams and Rashel Garcia

By Seth Trotochaud, senior
Bird perched on log on shoreline spreading its wings.
Photography by Seth Trotochaud

By Ezran Williams, Junior
Sunset over a beach with driftwood, with wooden stairs in the foreground.
Photography by Ezran Williams

By Mckayla Tyrone, Junior
View of snow-capped mountains from an airplane, with the wing of the plane visible.
Photography by Mckayla Tyrone

By Maddy Campbell, Junior
Photograph of a sea horse in an aquarium tank.
Photography by Maddy Campbell

By Liam Faulkner, Sophomore
The bridge of MSMHS at night, lit by lights.
Photography by Liam Faulkner

We hope you enjoyed this month's submissions! To submit your own creative work for future editions, please use the Atlantis Creative Corner submission form.