Atlantis Creative Corner: May 2023

Poetry and artwork from Ko Parlagreco, Rashel Garcia, Scarlett Colbath, Gracie Peil, and Ezran Williams.

By Ezran Williams

Ko Parlagreco, Junior
A highly detailed black and white drawing of an octopus.

Rashel Sosa, Senior

Cancion De Un Borracho A Su Perdido Corazon

El viento entra por allí

Por la ventana de la izquierda

Con el vienen recuerdos de tristeza e impunidad

Imputados quedan los muertos que aullaban en sus alas

Y la luna que nos alumbra llora en su cama

El viento que nos saluda

Era uno traicionado

Y ahora él no lleva ni un puro lamento

El vendra y huira

Como todos anterior

Como un campesino caminante el rechazar

Nuestro amor

Y Nos bezara en confianza con un corazón quemado

Y todos que confíen en sus alas, en sus labios;

Huje mi amor


Ante los gritos de los muertos

Ko Parlagreco, Junior
A highly detailed black and white drawing of a parrot.

Scarlett Colbath, Freshman

An extension of my arms

My wings, in which

I glide through muddied waters

Grazing the surface

Colors of my country feathered on my pinions

In adjacent stripes

Soaring through the stained glass

Intertwined with the fear of failure

And in the center of it all,

The main attraction

A golden frame of ornate trees surround the mirrored surface

Glittering currents rise me to glory

I won’t accept loss

Gleaming sweat only fuels my determination

My wings beat faster against the current

Muffled voices cheering me on, watching my every move

My heart rhythmically beating faster as I draw closer to the finish line

I can taste the upcoming praise on my tongue

The vessel near increases its velocity

Passing me by the width of a paperclip.

There is guilt in defeat

My wooden wings have cursed me

To keep the secret I yearn to scream

To anyone who would listen

The anger I feel churning in my burning lungs

Is undefiable

Yet worse than the disappointment I feared I would receive

Is the pity offered to my efforts.

Gracie Peil, Junior
The moon, centered in a completely dark night sky.
Work by Gracie Peil

Rashel Sosa, Senior


Huje mi amor huje

Ante los tiros de ajer

Que todavía rebotan en tu piel

Huje corazon


Que no encontrarás allí lo que buscas por aquí

No encontraras el amor que yo te di



Huje que el te maltratara

Huje que no encontrarás

El pan de mis entrañas allí

En el no hayaras mi amor

Ni mi dolor

Si no el tullo


Huje de alli

Huje de sus brazos

Que no encontraras

Lo que buscas en el

Si no veras tus lágrimas

Caer como sangre  en el piso quemado en papel

huye de sus brazos

Que en ellos encontrarás tu fin

Mi pobre corazon

Ezran Williams, Junior
An bird's-eye view of an ocean wave breaking on the shore.
Work by Ezran Williams

We hope you enjoyed this month's submissions! To submit your own creative work for future editions, please use the Atlantis Creative Corner submission form.