Teachers Triumph in Staff-Student Game

The MSMHS teachers took home the title in the student vs. staff basketball game.

Teachers Triumph in Staff-Student Game
Marriette El Khoury takes a shot on Ms. Hardison. Photo by Grace Peil.
By Seth Trotochaud

In a close match on March 9th at Groton Middle School, the MSMHS teachers took home the championship title in the second student vs. faculty basketball game. This has been a long-awaited event with many of the current seniors in the class of 2023, who remember the first game fondly from their freshman year of 2019.

Teachers in red uniforms group together.
The teachers take a break to strategize. Photo by Grace Peil.

With the majority of the faculty members here having a background in basketball, this was an exciting game. Ms. Hardison is a coach for numerous basketball teams in the county, she is a former college basketball player and former coach of the United States Coast Guard Academy women's basketball team. Other notable players include Ms. Schumacher, former college basketball player, and semi-pro Mr. Gonzalez.

Students in blue uniforms huddle up.
The students huddle up. Photo by Grace Peil.

The student players, while less experienced in organized basketball are some bonafide pickup legends, Demetri Leopolis (The Greek Freak of G-town), and Dylan Flack(The Chief). The team was also stacked with passionate basketball players such as Logan LeMay, Kenny Bones, the Menino brothers, and more. The team included a impressive lineup of current ECC stars taking the court, with Mariette El Khoury and Sierra Lund of Fitch High School.

Despite the skilled opposition, the faculty came out on top with a score of 34-46. The teachers had a hot start in the first quarter, leading 5-0. Before the end of the half, the students were able to rally back to get within one point. But thanks in part to plays by Mr. Gonzalez and Ms. Kobyluck, the faculty pulling away by the start of the fourth quarter.

Teacher takes a shot.
Ms. Kobyluck shoots a three-pointer. Photo by Grace Peil.

Notable playmakers from the student team were Chris Meninno, who was tasked with guarding Mr. Gonzalez. Demetri Leopolis’ mid-range shooting, and Kenny Bones's tough defense and critical jump shots all helped keep the students in the game. The duo of Fitch stars—Mariette El Khoury and Sierra Lund—showcased their ECC skills with multiple critical plays throughout the game.

The fierce competition from both sides led to a close scoreboard up until the final few minutes. Ultimately, the staff team’s college talent made a big impact on the game, with Mr. Gonzalez making the big plays, Ms. Schumacher hitting multiple threes, and Mr. Kuczenski getting defensive rebounds to keep the students from second chances at a shot. Solidifying their lead at the end of the game, the teachers widened the point gap and took home the trophy for this year’s game.