The Current is Shutting Down

After more than 200 posts and articles, The Current is officially — and permanently — shutting down.

This week’s edition is a little different. 

Today, with equal parts sadness and satisfaction, I’m formally announcing the closure of The Current. Our core group of five seniors — books editor Gracie Peil, arts editor Ezran Williams, columnist Jacob Zelinsky, science writer Nate Oulton, and myself — are all graduating a week from today, and moving on to college and beyond. Despite our best efforts, we've been unable to find a level of student interest that would be able to keep the publication alive and have made the decision to close The Current.

However, I could not be more proud of the work we have done. Over the past year and a half, the student writers, reporters, and designers of The Current have produced over 125 articles and puzzles on our website, more than 115 posts on social media, and a dozen editions of our bathroom-based print publication, Fishbowl. As an editor at this publication, I've had the privilege of reading, editing, and sharing every word that we've published, a small fraction of which I'll share below (and, as an editor, I feel obligated to tell you to read all of these links — they’re great).

In the past 18 months, we’ve published student book picks, teacher profiles, and student artwork. We’ve shared student opinions on test retakes, the school’s core values, and the painfully dry nature of school discussions — and how to fix it. We’ve reported stories on vape sensors, senior assassin, and lockdowns (and more lockdowns, and more lockdowns).

And while the high volume and broad variety of The Current’s output may seem to defy any obvious categorization (see both levitating tin foil and cockroaches), this publication is about one idea that is central to the MSMHS experience: community.

As cliché as this may sound, community forms the basis of The Current's work. The joint hundreds of hours that have gone into making this publication are a testament to the depth of caring and connection that our staff has to MSMHS. And while this publication will not continue to exist beyond this year, I urge you — a member of the MSMHS community — to continue to invest time and effort in building the school community.

We hope you’ve enjoyed,


Kaiden Chandler

Editor in Chief, The Current